by InScope-AML

November 15, 2024

In Summary: The ICAEW 2024 AML results and thematic review

The ICAEW supervises around 10 thousand UK chartered accountancy firms for AML compliance to money laundering regulations (MLRs). One of those requirements is to identify and assess the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing to which the business is subject (18(1) regulation) referred to as the firm-wide risk assessment (FWRA). The FWRA is considered by the ICAEW the foundation upon which a firm builds its AML policies and procedures, particularly concerning costumer due diligence (CDD).

In their review, the ICAEW sampled 100 accountancy firms, all with a high or high-medium risk profile, assessing the completion, content, and regulatory compliance of their FWRAs. The money laundering reporting officer (MLRO) for each of these firms was contacted, provided with a list of questions, and asked to submit a copy of their FWRA, both of which were subsequently reviewed by the ICAEW’s Quality Assurance Department.

During the webinar, the ICAEW noted that “professionals such as lawyers, trust and company formation agents and accountants are among those at greatest risk of becoming involved [in money laundering] either wittingly or unwittingly” and that “[firms need to be] asking the right questions and not taking the answer at face value”.

The webinar shone a light on many of the current issues facing firms today, as well as some tools and methodologies to mitigate them, such as the use of AI to scrape data about customers, a point that drew great interest from participants.

We have compiled the major findings and recommendations here:

Key Findings


Key Takeaways

This report underscores that comprehensive, annually updated risk assessments are crucial for AML compliance and effective risk management.

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