What is InScope-AML?

Can InScope-AML be adapted to our risk policies and procedures?

Is assistance during setup and training provided?

Does InScope-AML get updated when there are changes to legislation?

Are upgrades free of charge?

Can I integrate InScope-AML into a third-party application?

Can you help me migrate data to InScope-AML?

Can my clients upload their own data into InScope-AML?

Where is my data stored?

What access does InScope-AML have to my data?

What about GDPR?

Is the cloud-hosting option secure?

If I opt for a cloud-hosted setup, is my data siloed from other client data?

Can users log into InScope-AML using existing credentials (e.g. Active Directory)?

Can we enforce multi-factor authentication?

What are Multiple Teams?

Can the Self-Service Portal be configured to mirror the questions we need to ask?

Does the system update me when requests are returned?

Can the Self-Service Portal be configured to automatically send requests?

Does the Self-Service Portal automatically update the system?

Can Passport/ID card information be collected via the Self-Service Portal?